The Worst Alphabet Book, Ever!

Properly THe Worst Alphabet Book, Ever!
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P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever.

By Raj Haldar and illustrated by Maria Beddia.

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Get ready for a wild ride through the English language with “The Worst Alphabet Book Ever Made”! This hilariously quirky book not only entertains but also educates, tackling the wacky world of mischievous words that ignore all the rules.

Properly THe Worst Alphabet Book, Ever!

Why does “A” go for “apple” but also “aisle” and “aeons”? And what’s up with “gnat” starting with a G while “knot” doesn’t bother with an N? English is a riddle wrapped in confusion!

Written by Raj Haldar (aka rapper Lushlife), this funky, upside-down alphabet book is packed with giggles and sneaky words to keep word nerds laughing and learning. Dive in for a rollicking good time that’s anything but silent!

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