Privacy and cookies.

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We use cookies.

Mojo’s Collections websites use third-party and open-source software to operate and do the things it is supposed to do. These applications use files called cookies. If you know nothing about cookies and what they do, you can find out more from the internet by googling “What are cookies?”. We are not experts on this subject and can not teach you about stuff we don’t understand.

External sites we link to use cookies.

Any External website linked from our pages and posts would most defiantly use cookies. These links come in many forms, including text links, image links and links within banners and logos. Just saying, now you know.

Ok with cookies?

If you are OK with cookies, then that is cool. Click “‘OK” on the cookie banner (if still floating) and carry on enjoying our website.

Not ok with cookikes.

If you are not OK with cookies you can turn them off from your device’s settings. See the appropriate user guide for detailed instructions. Warning, this may impact your browsing experience on this site and other websites. Alternatively, close your browser tab or window.

Your personal infomation.

If you subscribe to our mailing lists or wish to leave a comment on a post you must submit your email address. This will be stored by our current email list service provider,

No other personal information is collected by Mojo’s Collections.

You can request the withdrawal or deletion of your email address at any time.